Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to find a free java projects at free of cost

Finding a right kind of free projects along with source code in web is too difficult . Because you can find lot of sites come up with source code along with lot of unnecessary stuffs too :).

Searching a free source code is easy. To find something with quality one always time consuming process.

So how to avoid that. here you can find some tips to to find a quality java codes.
Quality can be measured in different unit or things. it all about what we looking from the product.

Suppose if u buy a book , you can search for content of the book will be listed in navigation page.
if it is car, then cost ,duration , mileage and so many other factors will be taken into consideration..

Similarly a good quality code can be measured by the following.

Factors will decide your source code quality:

1. No of lines of Code:
Code quality is measured by no of line in the download code.
2. Documentation:
better guide to understand the free project quality .

Documentation will describe ,
  • How they implement piece of line or function.
  • how you can install
  • how you can use
  • where you can use.
Source code with documentation is better combination , one can easily reuse or edit as per your needs.

If you going for buying the electronics items like mobile , tv, dvd , laptop ,ipod , music player ets.
you will user guide along with it. Similarly , Better projects code always come with documentation.

Here are few website which will give quality codes,

1 . caspercomsci website :

This site will provide the source code on different application.
  • Source code
  • Logic
  • Documentation , you can see the project topics .
2. planet-source-code :
You can find lot of free java projects along with very good source codes.
lot of free projects along with source code in the following programming language not only in java

  1. php
  2. .net
  3. visual basic
  4. c
  5. c++
3. Java student projects :

Lot of very good ideas for for final year student projects are available in this website.

Here is the screen shot of the website project names.

There are many more website will give you java source code . don't forget to pick the free source code along with user guide.

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